Recommended Literature

Recommended Literature offers opportunities for expanding project, programme and portfolio management competencies. It helps identify preferred PM publications.


Educators, Students, and Project professionals.


Improved understanding of the context of each competence area at the level of detail necessary to develop courses, speak about project management, and assist certification candidates.

To spread and share information about project, programme and portfolio management (PPPM), IPMA provides a number of publications, brochures and in-depth information. Many of the items in this section can be downloaded free of charge. Please select a publication type from the left panel navigator. And, don’t miss the offer at the bottom of this page!

In this section you find a range of IPMA and related publications, including:

  • ICB, the IPMA Competence Baseline, is the foundation for PM learning and development, and for advanced certifications.
  • The IPMA Journal, or International Journal of Project Management, is a juried journal produced 8 times a year.
  • PMDAN Newsletter, a quarterly publication highlighting news and activities in the PMDAN.
  • IPMA Newsletter, a quarterly publication highlighting news in IPMA Member Associations.
  • Project Perspectives, our annual magazine, targeted to professional project managers, managers, and executives; available in paper copies or electronically. Are you interested in advertising in Project Perspectives? Contact us at [email protected]
  • Better Practices of Project Management Based on IPMA competences – 3rd revised edition (english version)

We offer Great PPPM Books Through Gower Publishing

PMDAN is offering, through Gower Publishing, a collection of Project, Programme and Portfolio Management books. Members of the PMDAN receive a 25% discount on books ordered through Gower Publishing.

As a member of the PMDAN you get a 25% discount when you «update» your basket with the code G13HZJ25 during checkout at is no minimum spend!