Welcome to the Individual membership application portal of PMDAN. Before you apply for membership, kindly get yourself acquainted with our code of ethics and professional conduct.
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PMDAN Membership Procedure
- The candidate shall fill PMDAN Membership Application Form
- The candidate must sign PMDAN member code of ethics
- The candidate shall pay the enrolment / current year’s membership fee
- The PMDAN membership committee prepares certificate of membership.
- Issue of Membership Certificates.
- PMDAN membership committee publishes information about Issue of Membership Certificate on PMDAN’s website.

Full Membership (Enrolment / Annual Fee — NGN10’500)

Student Members (Enrolment / Annual Fee — NGN2’500)

Benefits of PMDAN Membership
- The ability to use attributes of the Project Managers Development Association of Nigeria «PMDAN» (logo, table flag).
- Placing information about the organization / Individual free of charge on PMDAN website
- Preferential participation in international and national events IPMA ®, PMDAN (conferences, seminars, etc.)
- 10% discount on IPMA 4-L-C certification
- Project Managers Development Association of Nigeria «PMDAN» membership Certificate
- Project Managers Development Association of Nigeria «PMDAN» membership icon
- Individual, student and corporate members meeting.
- Possibility of accreditation of companies that provide training to prepare candidates for the certification of professional project managers in accordance with the requirements of the IPMA® certification program .
- Ability to obtain information on international and national events in project management and participation in them.
- Advice and practical assistance to professional project managers;
- Access to the international press in project management and development of international networking.
Companies / individuals who want to join the Association may contact the office of PMDAN for more information at [email protected]
For further information regarding individual membership please contact the membership board via email on [email protected] or [email protected] .